Rainer here is my position
on the topic of the NS rail yard site selection motion before the Transportation
- I strongly oppose
the staff recommendation for Bowesville 4C and recommend abeyance of
the motion until
- All cost analysis
is open to full public scrutiny
- A final decision
is delayed until necessary based on the construction project critical
path (two or more years from now)
- A decision on the
NS rail yard location does not need to be made for years and delay would
have no impact on the rest of the project schedule.
- The staff’s argument
is entirely based on theoretical cost differences. The assumptions and
calculations they used to determine these cost have not been open to
public analysis. Given that this is the only basis for not choosing
Walkley and that all other analysis overwhelmingly selected Walkley,
it is unacceptable that secret assumptions are used to defy the public
- The degree to which
the methodology has been disclosed provides evidence it is incomplete,
inaccurate and misleading.
- CPR has contradicted
the staff’s assumptions about capital cost purchase price and clean-up.
- Operating costs
only includes selective analysis in favour of Bowesville and excludes
deadhead costs that are detrimental to Bowesville. Even with all the
staff’s manipulation of the costs, the operating cost difference is
approximately $240,000 per year. In the scheme of the overall NS project’s
operating costs, and given the degree to which the NS project is currently
extravagantly over-designed, this specific cost is immaterial.
- Staff briefings
to councilors made clear that “Clean up costs of Walkley is the driving
force behind staff’s recommendation (Alex Cullen).” This assumption
has not been publicly disclosed or open to a test of veracity.
- The significant
relative capital and operating cost advantages of a Walkley yard for
the East West corridor have not been included in this analysis. Indeed
every other LRT network the city is planning would result in Bowesville
being the most expensive location.
- The cost analysis
does not consider incremental tax revenue that would come from alternative
land use at Bowesville. The proposed Ottawa Sports Park is a prime example.
- The cost analysis
does not include any potential funding that may be won for the reuse
of a dormant brownfield site.
- The 3-5 minute headway
assumptions have been used to imply additional capital and operational
costs to Walkley.
- 3-5 minute headway
assumptions have not been justified in either the NS EA or the Rail
Yard report and, given the stated projections levels for ridership,
implies unacceptably inefficient levels of LRT operation from both a
capital and operating cost basis.
- To then use this
assumption to drive the cost analysis in favour of Bowesville is a flawed
analysis. A ten-minute headway rate almost entirely removes the operating
and capital cost differences between Walkley and Bowesville.
Stephen Fanjoy, Ward 2 representative
on the East West LRT EA